Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Chemo 8

I am so thrilled for Christmas Vacation! No school and hubby is taking the next 2 weeks off! YEA!!!
I had treatment 8 this morning. I had to move my regular day this week because of Christmas. Dosage was the same. Nothing new to report. Everything was good.
I have my next treatment next Friday, so I get a longer break this time. I will have blood work on that Wednesday before. Dr Popatia said he wants to measure the tumor again. I'm praying for more shrinkage.
I'm getting used to wearing the wigs. They are not so foreign now. My kids act like its normal to see my shaved head. That's a plus too.
I'm gearing up for Christmas. Jim took the kids to his mom's house today while I had my treatment. They stayed all day! Thanks to my husband and Maw Maw! I came home and rested for a short bit. Too much to do! Then I started wrapping and wrapping and wrapping! Still not done with wrapping. Then I braved the grocery store! Oh MY!
Thanks to the awesome meals, babysitting, and rides! I couldn't do this without you guys!

I wish each of you a blessed Christmas. May you spend it with family and be thankful for all you have.

Love you guys!

Friday, December 19, 2008

Chemo #7

Treatment 7 was normal. My blood work came back fine. They left the dosage the same because I go back for treatment 8 on Tuesday. They ran the drip a little faster towards the end, it made me a little foggy. I guess too much too quickly. I picked up meds on the way home (yucky mouth sores...one of the side effects). I've also had an achy jaw and achy teeth. I took a nap! And then did my holiday baking. That's why I'm so late with posting this.
For those who haven't heard yet, I did shave my head last week. Friday to be exact. It was just too much to watch all the hair come out when I washed it and brushed it or even touched it. My sweet husband offered to shave it for me. I opted to go to my hair stylist. It was easier for me handle it there. Plus I didn't how the kids would react to seeing it all shaved off. You may not recognize me. I have many "new looks". Allyson and Madi seem to be okay with my lack of hair. Jake will tell me "no, put hat on". He doesn't like some of the wigs either. Poor guy! He always loved to sit on my lap and twirl my hair. That probably hurts the most. Having my head shaved has been the hardest part because now I "look sick". Before I still looked normal. No one would know I have cancer.

Thanks to all my supporters! All of you are so sweet and generous! I'm so lucky to have so many volunteers to help with babysitting and meals and rides! I am so grateful.

My friends mom, Vicky Buff, is still in ICU. She is showing minor improvements. I believe she is off the ventilator. I guess baby steps are better than nothing. Please keep her in your prayers.


Friday, December 12, 2008

Chemo 6 - HalfWay of Phase I

Again, today went off without a hitch. I didn't have blood work this week. I am feeling good overall. They did up the dosage of Taxol a bit. We will see how that goes. I did come more tired today than usual.
Only one new development this week - my hair is falling out at an alarming rate. So I will be sporting more than one new hair-do this weekend. I plan to wig shop later this afternoon. Also on Monday, I will be attending this "look-good, feel-good" workshop at Oak Bend. They will show me how to deal with all of this and still "look good and feel good. At least I get a wig out of the deal. So like I said you will see more than one new hair-do!
Panic is starting to set in with Christmas only 12 days away! Is everyone else ready? I'M NOT!!!!

Please continue to keep Vicki Buff in your prayers. She is not doing well. She is still in ICU and is now on dialysis. I won't go too much into all the details. My friend is REALLY appreciative of all the thoughts and prayers. My friend needs them too.

Thanks to all the meals, babysitting, rides, thoughts, prayers, emails, and phone calls! All of you are making my life so much easier! All of you are so darn kind and generous!!!

God Bless,

Monday, December 8, 2008

Surgical Oncologist Appt - Dr Kelly Hunt

Well, that appointment lasted FOREVER! My appt was at 9. First the nurse came in, then the physician's assistant, then the other physician's assistant, and then finally the doctor. I didn't actually see the doctor till almost 11.
Basically all we did was discuss surgery options. I did like Dr Hunt very much. She is very nice and of course very informative.

We discussed BCS (breast conserving surgery), which is when they try to salvage as much of the breast as possible. They will remove the tumor plus outlying tissue. They have to make sure they get all of the cancerous cells. This might include some reconstruction depending on how much they have to take out, and it will include radiation treatments after surgery. As of this moment, she does not consider me a candidate of BCS because of the size of the tumor. If it shrinks more then I am a better candidate for this surgery.

We also discussed Mastectomy. This is taking the entire breast. Reconstruction will take place during surgery if they determine that I do not need radiation. If radiation is needed then I wait till that is completed before reconstruction.

During both of the surgery options they will perform a Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy. See link for information: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/factsheet/Therapy/sentinel-node-biopsy
This will help determine if radiation is needed also. Basically they take out 2-3 lymph nodes that have been dyed with a solution and see if there are any cancerous cells. If they find some they take out all of the lymph nodes.

The decision is pretty much up to me. There are still pieces to the puzzle we do not have such as; will the tumor continue to shrink?, are there cancerous cells in the lymph node system?
Dr Hunt is setting up appointments with a radiation oncologist and a plastic surgeon. They are pieces to the puzzle as well. They will help determine what will work best.

So far I am feeling fine. No side effects besides the thinning of my hair. Now I know why others choose to shave their heads. I find my hair all over. Today I also visited the breast cancer boutique at MD Anderson. I purchased a hat, scarf, and beanie cap. I consider this my starting point. I'm slowly getting used to the idea of having no hair.

I do have a prayer request: my friend's mother, Vicky Buff. She just had heart surgery and is having complications. Please keep Vicky and her family in your prayers as begins this long recovery process.

Thanks again for all the prayers, child care, meals, emails, and phone calls.


Friday, December 5, 2008

Chemo 5 - Super News!!!

I had my 5th chemo treatment today. Before the treatment began I met with the oncologist, Dr. Popatia. He did measurments today...

the tumor has indeed shrunk - the chemo is working - I cannot be more excited that I am indeed going through all of this for a positive outcome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Measurments for my first day of chemo were 5cm long and 4 cm wide. New measurements are 4cm long and 3cm wide. Next measurements will be taken in January.

My treatment went fine, no weird reactions. I am tired, and I will nap when my hubby gets home soon.

I meet with my surgical oncologist, Dr. Kelly Hunt, on Monday at MD Anderson. We will discuss surgery options. I will post again after that appointment.

We are steadily getting ready for the holidays. By the time I get everything up and ready Christmas will have passed me by. I am really trying to focus on the real gift of Christmas and not all the wrapping. I want to have a "mary" christmas. So what doesn't get done, just doesn't get done. As long as I have my friends and family.
Again, thanks to all the meals this week, the babysitting, the rides, emails, and phone calls! All of you are such a blessing!
