Thursday, May 21, 2009

Post Report #3

Went back to Kronowitz's office today.  The infection is now gone.  Unfortunately they still did not take the drain out.  They said next Thursday it will come out no matter what the output.  We have officially cancelled our June 8th surgery.  New surgery date will be around October/November.  I should get a date set next week.

Sorry so short - time for bed!

Love you guys!

Friday, May 15, 2009

Post Report #2

I was at my plastic surgeon's office again yesterday.  The infection is still there.  I'm feeling much better, but the redness and heat are still physical symptoms that an infection is still present.  He is still concerned and wants to keep a close eye on it.  If over the weekend I experience fever or start to feel bad again, then I am to go to the ER at MD Anderson.  I will see him again on Tuesday.
We also discussed options for the reconstruction process.  I have a date set for June 8th.  With our initial surgery they were able to salvage a lot more of the breast then they had anticipated - this has opened other doors for other types of reconstruction.
My doctor feels that we can get great results with just implants and have less of a surgery than doing the DIEP with the abdominal tissue.  He is worried about my back with the DIEP procedure because it puts a lot of extra strain on the back.  One of my concerns is the amount of surgeries.  If I have an implant put in on the 8th then we would need to wait a month or two for it fall naturally and then we would have to fix the other side to match.  It would be the same with the DIEP procedure - we would have another surgery to match the other breast.  Another alternative is the let my breast fall naturally with the spacer for about 6 months, then he feels he could put implants in both sides at the same time.  Get everything done with only one surgery.   We are really thinking about the last alternative.  It will give us and everyone else a MUCH NEEDED break.  We will be able to enjoy the summer - just a little lopsided - hee hee!

I have learned one very valuable lesson about the doctors at MD Anderson.  They are always learning and researching and finding better ways to do their job.  They will change their mind at the last possible moment if necessary to better help the patient.  They are on the fore front of new research and technology.  As with my surgery, they were changing things up to "go time" with new procedures.  Once a decision is made - it is not carved in stone - it is ever changing and evolving!  So that being said, our decision right now very well could change in the next few days.  You just never know!!

Thanks for all the wonderful food, child care, play dates, thoughts and prayers.  It looks like we may fly under the radar for a few months.  I'll need you guys back in the fall!

God is so good-

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


I just got the call from my surgeon with the pathology and I am officially  cancer free!  All reports are clean.

Side note, I am fighting a possible infection from surgery.  I have been running a low fever and feeling very yucky.  They have me on triple antibiotics.  If they do not see many improvements by my appointment tomorrow then back to the hospital I go.  I'm sure that will not be the case.

I have a surgery follow-up appt tomorrow with my plastic surgeon.  I have appointments on Monday with my oncologist, Theriault, and my surgeon, Hunt.  I will post again after that unless something else comes up!

God is Good!

Saturday, May 9, 2009

I AM HOME!!!!  It feels so good to be home and sleep in my own bed and SEE MY KIDS!  I really missed them.
I still have pain around my left breast and under my left arm.  I usually forget about the incision from the removal of my port on the right side.  Poor Jim has to empty my drain twice a day, clean around the tubing and tape it back up.  He's been such a trooper about it.  The drain is the worst part of all of this.  Until the drain is removed I am only allowed sponge baths!  That is almost as bad as being in the hospital.  It should be about 2 weeks before the drain is removed.  That is going to be a long 2 weeks.  I have to be very careful around the kids so the tubing doesn't get pulled out and my clothing has to be loose enough to work around it.  No bra either.  So tank tops and cami's will be my choice of clothing.  I usually wear a light jacket to cover up the drain, but the hot weather makes that uncomfortable.  Enough complaining!!!
I am just extremely pleased that I am almost considered cancer free!!!  That's a very liberating feeling.  I'm looking forward to getting the pathology reports next week.

Thank you so much for all the thoughts and prayers!  Thanks to all those who helped with the kids, especially my mother-in-law!  I've heard the food that has been shared with my family has been wonderful.  I appreciate the generosity.  I look forward to having some of those meals in the next few weeks.

I will post again after my next doctor appointments!  Till then, all you moms - HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!!!  I love you all!


Thursday, May 7, 2009


This will be short!  it's hard to type.  I have limited use of my left arm and my right hand has 2 iv's.  My surgery lasted for 4 hours and doctors said it went great.  I only have one drain which is good.  Since surgery went so well, the plastics doctors said I may have more options when the time comes.  
The lymph node biopsies looked good.  We just wait for the pathology report.
They have moved me a second time,  I am in room 1127 now.  I should stay here until I am released tomorrow unless something goes wrong.  
Thank you so much for the thoughts and prayers!  My family appreciates the meals and child care.  It's been a long journey and the end is near.


Tuesday, May 5, 2009

surgery tomorrow

Today was one of the longest days of my life.  I had to be at MD Anderson at 7:15.  I began with an EKG, blood work, and chest x-ray.  Then the really fun part - breast lymphoscintigraphy.  They gave me a local and then inserted a very large needle that sticks out.  While this needle  is sticking out about 5 inches they take mammograms to be sure of its correct location.  The local anesthesia then made me dizzy and I passed out for a few seconds.  Apparently this happens very often because they put you in this special chair that can pretty much throw your feet up and head back to help with the dizziness instantly.  Once most of it passes then they cover the needle with a styrofoam cup and tape the cup in place.  I am then wheeled (yes in a wheelchair) to nuclear medicine.  There they give me the lymphoscintigraphy dose.  That was very painful.  They take a smaller needle and basically thread it through the larger needle that is sticking out and slowly administer the drug.  All of this is to see how the fluids drain from my breast.  It will help determine which lymph nodes need to be taken out and tested.  Then I had scans to see how it's moving through the lymph nodes.  I had scans 30 minutes after the dose and then again one hour later.  In between that I met with my plastic surgeon, Dr Kronowitz.  He talked about the surgery and marked me up for tomorrow.  I also had my anesthesia assessment.  Then I met with my surgical oncologist, Dr Hunt.  I signed all the consent forms.  I will have a single mastectomy tomorrow morning at the main hospital of MD Anderson.  I need to check in at 6:30.  My surgery is scheduled for 8:30, luckily I am the first surgery for Dr Hunt.  Her part takes about 2 hours.  When she is finished then Dr Kronowitz comes in and places the spacer.  His part takes about 2 hours.  They said to plan for surgery to last 4-6 hours total.  I will most likely stay for 2 nights.  My reconstruction is scheduled for June 8th.

That's it for now!!  Wish me luck!

God bless,