Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Chemo 8

I am so thrilled for Christmas Vacation! No school and hubby is taking the next 2 weeks off! YEA!!!
I had treatment 8 this morning. I had to move my regular day this week because of Christmas. Dosage was the same. Nothing new to report. Everything was good.
I have my next treatment next Friday, so I get a longer break this time. I will have blood work on that Wednesday before. Dr Popatia said he wants to measure the tumor again. I'm praying for more shrinkage.
I'm getting used to wearing the wigs. They are not so foreign now. My kids act like its normal to see my shaved head. That's a plus too.
I'm gearing up for Christmas. Jim took the kids to his mom's house today while I had my treatment. They stayed all day! Thanks to my husband and Maw Maw! I came home and rested for a short bit. Too much to do! Then I started wrapping and wrapping and wrapping! Still not done with wrapping. Then I braved the grocery store! Oh MY!
Thanks to the awesome meals, babysitting, and rides! I couldn't do this without you guys!

I wish each of you a blessed Christmas. May you spend it with family and be thankful for all you have.

Love you guys!

Friday, December 19, 2008

Chemo #7

Treatment 7 was normal. My blood work came back fine. They left the dosage the same because I go back for treatment 8 on Tuesday. They ran the drip a little faster towards the end, it made me a little foggy. I guess too much too quickly. I picked up meds on the way home (yucky mouth sores...one of the side effects). I've also had an achy jaw and achy teeth. I took a nap! And then did my holiday baking. That's why I'm so late with posting this.
For those who haven't heard yet, I did shave my head last week. Friday to be exact. It was just too much to watch all the hair come out when I washed it and brushed it or even touched it. My sweet husband offered to shave it for me. I opted to go to my hair stylist. It was easier for me handle it there. Plus I didn't how the kids would react to seeing it all shaved off. You may not recognize me. I have many "new looks". Allyson and Madi seem to be okay with my lack of hair. Jake will tell me "no, put hat on". He doesn't like some of the wigs either. Poor guy! He always loved to sit on my lap and twirl my hair. That probably hurts the most. Having my head shaved has been the hardest part because now I "look sick". Before I still looked normal. No one would know I have cancer.

Thanks to all my supporters! All of you are so sweet and generous! I'm so lucky to have so many volunteers to help with babysitting and meals and rides! I am so grateful.

My friends mom, Vicky Buff, is still in ICU. She is showing minor improvements. I believe she is off the ventilator. I guess baby steps are better than nothing. Please keep her in your prayers.


Friday, December 12, 2008

Chemo 6 - HalfWay of Phase I

Again, today went off without a hitch. I didn't have blood work this week. I am feeling good overall. They did up the dosage of Taxol a bit. We will see how that goes. I did come more tired today than usual.
Only one new development this week - my hair is falling out at an alarming rate. So I will be sporting more than one new hair-do this weekend. I plan to wig shop later this afternoon. Also on Monday, I will be attending this "look-good, feel-good" workshop at Oak Bend. They will show me how to deal with all of this and still "look good and feel good. At least I get a wig out of the deal. So like I said you will see more than one new hair-do!
Panic is starting to set in with Christmas only 12 days away! Is everyone else ready? I'M NOT!!!!

Please continue to keep Vicki Buff in your prayers. She is not doing well. She is still in ICU and is now on dialysis. I won't go too much into all the details. My friend is REALLY appreciative of all the thoughts and prayers. My friend needs them too.

Thanks to all the meals, babysitting, rides, thoughts, prayers, emails, and phone calls! All of you are making my life so much easier! All of you are so darn kind and generous!!!

God Bless,

Monday, December 8, 2008

Surgical Oncologist Appt - Dr Kelly Hunt

Well, that appointment lasted FOREVER! My appt was at 9. First the nurse came in, then the physician's assistant, then the other physician's assistant, and then finally the doctor. I didn't actually see the doctor till almost 11.
Basically all we did was discuss surgery options. I did like Dr Hunt very much. She is very nice and of course very informative.

We discussed BCS (breast conserving surgery), which is when they try to salvage as much of the breast as possible. They will remove the tumor plus outlying tissue. They have to make sure they get all of the cancerous cells. This might include some reconstruction depending on how much they have to take out, and it will include radiation treatments after surgery. As of this moment, she does not consider me a candidate of BCS because of the size of the tumor. If it shrinks more then I am a better candidate for this surgery.

We also discussed Mastectomy. This is taking the entire breast. Reconstruction will take place during surgery if they determine that I do not need radiation. If radiation is needed then I wait till that is completed before reconstruction.

During both of the surgery options they will perform a Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy. See link for information: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/factsheet/Therapy/sentinel-node-biopsy
This will help determine if radiation is needed also. Basically they take out 2-3 lymph nodes that have been dyed with a solution and see if there are any cancerous cells. If they find some they take out all of the lymph nodes.

The decision is pretty much up to me. There are still pieces to the puzzle we do not have such as; will the tumor continue to shrink?, are there cancerous cells in the lymph node system?
Dr Hunt is setting up appointments with a radiation oncologist and a plastic surgeon. They are pieces to the puzzle as well. They will help determine what will work best.

So far I am feeling fine. No side effects besides the thinning of my hair. Now I know why others choose to shave their heads. I find my hair all over. Today I also visited the breast cancer boutique at MD Anderson. I purchased a hat, scarf, and beanie cap. I consider this my starting point. I'm slowly getting used to the idea of having no hair.

I do have a prayer request: my friend's mother, Vicky Buff. She just had heart surgery and is having complications. Please keep Vicky and her family in your prayers as begins this long recovery process.

Thanks again for all the prayers, child care, meals, emails, and phone calls.


Friday, December 5, 2008

Chemo 5 - Super News!!!

I had my 5th chemo treatment today. Before the treatment began I met with the oncologist, Dr. Popatia. He did measurments today...

the tumor has indeed shrunk - the chemo is working - I cannot be more excited that I am indeed going through all of this for a positive outcome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Measurments for my first day of chemo were 5cm long and 4 cm wide. New measurements are 4cm long and 3cm wide. Next measurements will be taken in January.

My treatment went fine, no weird reactions. I am tired, and I will nap when my hubby gets home soon.

I meet with my surgical oncologist, Dr. Kelly Hunt, on Monday at MD Anderson. We will discuss surgery options. I will post again after that appointment.

We are steadily getting ready for the holidays. By the time I get everything up and ready Christmas will have passed me by. I am really trying to focus on the real gift of Christmas and not all the wrapping. I want to have a "mary" christmas. So what doesn't get done, just doesn't get done. As long as I have my friends and family.
Again, thanks to all the meals this week, the babysitting, the rides, emails, and phone calls! All of you are such a blessing!


Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Chemo Treatment #4

Well I am 1/3 of the way through the first phase of my proposed chemotherapy. Things went well today. My white blood cell count is lower than my last blood results, but not low enough to warrant any shots. So, I will have to repeat blood work again next Thursday. I came home tired and took a nap.
Overall, I can't complain - I had a great birthday! My sister had balloons delivered to the doctor's office, our family portraits were delivered today, and we went out for ice cream! If you get a chance you must come see the pictures - FANTASTIC!!!!
I have had a tingling, numb sensation on the backside of my head for at least 3-4 days. I would describe it as the back of your head "falling asleep". I asked about it today. Their guess - side effect of the chemo drug and possibly the hair follicles are dying which means I could start losing my hair very soon! Yuck!
I guess I better get on the ball with that wig shopping! That may be where I am heading for the big "day after Thanksgiving" shopping. How about you? Anyone getting up at the crack of dawn?
So next week - back to regular schedule: blood work Thursday and chemo on Friday.

I know I say this all the time, but that's because my heart is bursting with gratitude and love. Thank you to everyone for all the thoughts and prayers, the emails and phone calls, the home cooked meals, the babysitting, and all the support. I have God to be thankful for this Thanksgiving. Even though this is a terrible disease - there is a good reason God chose me. It has brought me so much closer to family and friends. It had made me realize how precious life is and that I want to live it to its fullest with all of you. God doesn't give you anything that you can't handle. I will survive.
Happy Thanksgiving to all of you and your families!


Friday, November 21, 2008

Chemo 3

Once again, chemotherapy went just fine. No pain, and no benedryl. I feel a little fuzzy and tired. Dr Popatia was out today, so there were no measurements of the tumor. I think it has shrunk!!!! I will ask him to measure it next time I get to see him. His nurse, Nancy, says everything seems to going well. I have a cold and she suggested just over the counter stuff if I feel it's necessary. She also said to definately have my blood work completed for next week.
So blood work on Tuesday.
Next chemotherapy treatment is Wednesday. And YES, that is my birthday!!!!
I still have the "wig shopping" on my agenda. That is something I'm just not looking forward to doing.
We got our pictures ordered and they should be in after Thanksgiving! Alisa Murray says she wants me in the 2010 Hope & Inspiration calendar. I will need to write a couple of "hopeful and inspiring" sentences for that project. I actually have a lot to share!
Thanks to all for the meals and child care and rides! I'm still overwhelmed with gratitude to all my friends and family. If this week goes as well as last week, I may cut out some of the meals on the Care Calendar. It feels a strange to have all these great meals brought over when I feel normal.
Thats all for now! I will post again after my treatment on Wednesday!

God Bless,

Friday, November 14, 2008

Chemo Treatment 2

Much better today! Blood work was fine so business as usual. They decided not to give me the benedryl and watched more closely when they stared the taxol! I had no real side effects except the metallic taste in the mouth. They gave me a smaller dose of the steroid too. The insertion of the IV into the port was less painful today as well as when they removed the IV. They said that the port area will become less sensitive as it gets used more. I just wish the steri-strips that are still covering my stitches from the port would FALL OFF! I completed chemo today in 2 hours and 20 minutes. A little shorter without the benedryl.
I talked to the doctor about my side effects during the week, nausea Monday and Tuesday morning and achy joints as well. I told him it was like morning sickness, went away when I took my meds. He actually asked if I was pregnant - now wouldn't that be a surprise! All side effects are normal. Take Tylenol for the aches and my nausea meds. Days 3-4 will be the worst, that would be the Monday and Tuesday.
He suggested that I go and start looking for hats, scarves, and wigs (if I go that route). So I guess that will be on my agenda in the very near future.
Thanks for all my helpers this week (meals, babysitting, rides, and my smoothie friend)! I love getting the phone calls and emails!
At first I was very open with my diagnosis, then there was a point where I didn't want to talk about it all the time, now - it's just a part of my life!!!! I'm trying to see it as God's way of letting me help someone else. So ladies - are you doing your self-exams, getting regular check-ups? When you say to yourself you don't have time, I'm too young, there is no family history??? Think of me! Do It! Because you don't want to have make the time for what I have to do now. Learn from me and countless others!
I got a VERY special surprise this week!!!! Jim, my fabulous husband, arranged a photo shoot for the family with the very talented and popular Alisa Murray. I may have the privilege of having my photo in her breast cancer calendar of 2010. You can view her work at www.alisamurray.com

I thank God all day every day for my wonderful support system!

Friday, November 7, 2008

First Chemo Day

Well, all I can say is that I'm still physically here. It was a very scary and emotional day for me. I think I kept it together pretty well, especially when Dr.Popatia said I am going to lose my hair. There goes my new "katie holmes hair cut" I got yesterday. It really isn't funny, but that's the best way for me to deal with that right now. I knew I should have gone with the "So What" Pink's hair cut.
As for the actual treatment, the Benadryl knocked me for a loop! I'm am still feeling all fuzzy and it's almost 4 o'clock in the afternoon. I took 2 naps during the treatment. I couldn't even focus on any reading material. Jim laughed because I made him drag all this stuff for us to do (backgammon, cards, magazines), and I couldn't do any of it. The chemo drug, paclitaxel, just game me a yucky metallic taste in my mouth. It might have made me loopy also, just not sure because the Benadryl had such an effect on me. The nurses were talking about not giving me the Benadryl next time. We will see. After the treatment, I came home and went right to bed. I slept from noon to 3.
The port worked great. It did hurt when they inserted the needle, but so much better than a real IV in my arm. They even put lidocaine on the skin to help with the insertion. I go get blood drawn next Thursday, so they can monitor my blood cell counts. If everything is OK, back I go on Friday for more paclitaxel.
Pray that I handle all the drugs with minimal side effects.

love you all,

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Port n Catheter

The insertion of the port and catheter was a success today. The procedure lasted about 1 and 1/2 hours. The actual chest incision is rather painless, the one in my neck is "a pain in the neck"! It hurts and is really uncomfortable. Doc said it would be more painful because they had to do more tugging and pulling of the connective tissues to get the tubing in place. Thanks Mama for picking up the kids and watching them till we got home. I know they were in good hands!
I will post again after my first chemotherapy treatment on Friday. Pray I bounce back quickly.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Care Calendar

I have had so many of you who want to know what they can do to help. I am posting the care calendar information again.
calendar id # 8097
secret code # 3972

On the right hand side of my blog is a website link to the care calendar as well. I added the necessary numbers to access the calendar in the title of the website.

The calendar is always being updated as appointments arise, so continue to check back. With chemotherapy finally starting, there will be much more.

Once again, I will never be able to thank everyone enough for all your thoughts, prayers, and help!


Friday, October 31, 2008

Good News!

The results are finally back! The HER/2NEU test was negative, so it is not an aggressive type of cancer. Now I can start the chemotherapy that DrT recommended.
Other good news: there is a medical oncologist, Dr. Popatia, that offices out of Oak Bend. I gave Dr. T all of Popatia's contact information. Faith at DrT's office got me hooked up! I am now able to have my chemo here at Oak Bend! YEA!!
On Monday I go to Oak Bend and pre-register for my little out patient surgery to have the port/catheter inserted in my chest.
The procedure will take place at Oak Bend Tuesday at 11. The surgery is basically implanting a port (container) in my chest for a catheter (like an IV line) to go into my inferior vena cava (heart vessel). This is so that I do not have an IV line put in every time I have chemo, and it will help protect the veins in my arms. There is no maintenance for me with the port. The nurses will flush it about every 5-6 weeks. After the drugs are pumped into the port, they just cover the needle prick with a band-aid. Sounds simple!
My first chemotherapy treatment will be Friday at 10am.
I am sorry it took me so long to post this "breaking news", but it was HALLOWEEN! I got the phone call from DrT's office about 2 this afternoon. Dr Popatia's office called next. They needed me to come in and get insurance and paperwork completed. I also met with the nurse and she explained more about the treatments. So I got home about 4, just in time to make "mummy dogs" for our neighborhood potluck before trick r treating. We came in about 9, gave baths, and here I am.
Pray that I have favorable reactions to chemotherapy and that the side effects are very minimal.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Thanks Andon!

Jim's office surprised him with a parade of support! Thanks ladies! You gals are great! I know Jim deeply appreciates it as well!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Little Bit of New Info

I spoke to my doctor's PA this afternoon. We are still waiting for the results of my HER/2 test. She said they were doing it as we spoke and should have results tomorrow. There was a mix-up with my slides. When Dr Dempsey/Pathology Dept sent over the first set of samples, they were all stained (already tested). It took almost 2 weeks for the unstained slides to make it over to MD Anderson. The PA said she would call me tomorrow, definitely by Friday.
If the test is negative then we proceed with the prescribed chemotherapy as described in an earlier post. If positive then the chemotherapy drugs will change some (more drugs, and more intense).
I will post when I hear back with the results!
Pray that the HER/2 test is negative!

Monday, October 27, 2008

Pink Party & still waiting!

I truly have the best family, friends, and neighbors! Some of them honored me with a pink party Sunday afternoon! Lots of delicious food and pink drinks! Up and down my street they tied some pink ribbons. My friend, Jole, brought some awesome cookies. Make sure you check out the picture. Jim told Allyson they were "targets".

Other news: I spoke to my doctor's nurse today. She said he wants to wait for the result of my HER/2 test before we start chemo. :( I was ready! My doctor is suppose to call me tomorrow to discuss it further. If there is anything new, I will post again!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Decision Made

I have decided to try chemotherapy first. I hope to start next week. I hope to have chemo on Fridays so that there will be little disruption to my family's other activities.
Having my chemo at Oak Bend is not an option because they only have radiation.
No word on the last 2 test results.
Pray that my body is able to handle to chemotherapy drugs without interruption to life as I know it.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Doctor Appt 2

Still not much new. We met with Dr Theriault today. ALL of my scans, tests, etc came out clean. As far as we know there is NO cancer anywhere else. There is still a slight chance it could have spread to the lymph nodes. They will do a sentinel lymph node biopsy when I have surgery. As far as treatment, doctor is still suggesting chemo first and then surgery. Still up to me, and I'm scared to make that decision. My chemo would be in 2 phases. Phase one would be once a week with the drug paclitaxel(given by IV) for a total of 12 weeks. This is suppose to be rather easy. I should be able to drive and do everything normally. I will have another mammogram/ultrasound at the 6-8 week mark to see if we have any shrinking. Phase two will be the bad one. It is 3 drugs (cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin, and 5-fluorouracil & leucovorin) given by IV once every 21 days. I will be checked every 3 weeks for blood count. Also the mammogram/ultrasound for shrinkage. If none of the drugs work then we scrap chemo and go to surgery. That's the plus side of doing chemo first. We can see if it's working and stop if it doesn't. If we wait till after then I'm stuck with chemo and have no idea if it's doing anything. Doctor said I can start as soon as I'm ready.
Since the HER/2 came back equivocal(sp??) - he is going to have another sample tested. He seems to think he will have that result back by Wednesday. He is also checking if chemo can be done anywhere closer. I should be getting the genetic testing back by the end of next week. If that comes back positive - I have a very HUGE decision to make, because that changes everything.

I cannot thank everyone enough for all the wonderful thoughts and prayers, the cards, the messages, and all the help with the kids and food! I hope to make my decision by the end of the week.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

little bit of news

Finally got a result back from the HER/2 test. It was equivacol (sp??). Which means they do not know. There was not enough of the sample to determine yes or no. I hope to find out what to do next about that from my doctor on Monday. I also found out in a round about way that my bone scan and x-ray are clean!!!!!! YEAH!!!!! There are some questions about my back which is why all the scans were done on Tuesday. One more bit of news. I have an appt with my surgeon on Dec. 8th. Her name is Kelly Hunt. She was highly recommended to me by one of our contacts! She is the chief of the breast surgical center! Here is a link to her bio

And we keep moving on!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Tests, Scans, and more Scans

Well, it was a LONG day. JB and I left this morning at 6:40 for MD Anderson. My first stop was the mammogram. Next was the ultrasound. They did see some irregularities in one of my lymph nodes. So, I got poked and prodded again with the Fine Needle Aspiration biopsy (FNA). But we got GOOD NEWS! The preliminary report of the FNA biopsy showed no cancer in that lymph node! All of that before 11! I had about an hour break for lunch. I reported back for an IV preparing me for the bone scan. I sat around till 3. Then they could do the bone scan. I had to repeat the full bone scan twice, the pelvic region twice, and then they wanted to do a cat scan of the pelvic region (that was not planned). So what should have taken about 30 minutes was about a hour and a half. We didn't get home till 5:30.
Thanks to one of our contacts we have a patient relations person following us around. She has met us at each of our appointments. She makes sure all of needs are attended to. She showed us a special waiting room that is off the grid that we have access to. It is quiet, has a computer and TV, snacks and drinks, and tons of GOOD magazines! JB was excited about this because all the other waiting rooms have NO magazines, just 1000 piece jigsaw puzzles. Whew!
I have nothing going on tomorrow or Thursday. One more cat scan on Friday and then I meet with the doctor again on Monday. I will post again if I get any new information!
I love you all!!!! I am so blessed with awesome family & friends!

Monday, October 13, 2008

First Doctor Appt @ MD Anderson

As of now, I LOVE my new doctor. He was SOOOO nice and very nurturing. I can tell he has a great bedside manner. A friend told me that you don't really need to like your surgeon but you must LOVE your oncologist because you will see him for the rest of your life. I got very lucky.

Well, the doctor pretty much said the same thing as before. Still no word on the HER/2 test. I will be very busy getting all the tests done because I see him again on Monday. At that appointment he will discuss treatment plans. He hopes to do chemo first and shrink down the tumor and then instead of mastectomy do a BCS(breast-conserving surgery). That would be the best scenario.

MD Anderson is great, everyone was very nice and we moved along rather quickly. I had my chest x-ray and blood work after my appointment today. The x-ray will help determine if the cancer has spread to my lungs. Blood work will help determine this as well. Tomorrow I will be there all day! I need to check in at 7:40 for my mammogram that is scheduled at 8:00. Then I check in for my ultrasound at 9:10. Ultrasound will be done at 9:30 with a possibility of a FNA (Fine Needle Aspiration Biopsy). If the lymph node glands look irregular on the ultrasound then they will take a sample to check for cancer. The doctor did say that one felt hard, but that it could be from the first biopsy. I have a small break. I then check in for my bone scan and take the nuclear dose, wait for 2 hours. The bone scan is scheduled for 3:00.
I am off Wednesday and Thursday. I go back Friday. I check in for my Cat Scan prep at 3:10, with the Cat Scan scheduled for 4:40.
I hope I get good news with the ultrasound and they do not perform the FNA. I will post again tomorrow!

Friday, October 10, 2008


WOW!!!!! The McNally's sent me the following email:

I put together a T-Shirt for you guys. Every party needs a shirt, right? $10 from each shirt will go to help with medical bills. Here is the link: http://236340.spreadshirt.com/us/US/Shop/ Have your sister email out the site address to everyone. Put it on your blog! Let me know if you want some other items. I will be adding stuff for winter soon, but wanted to get a couple of basics up quickly. Matt.


$10 from each shirt will go to help the Bradleys with medical bills. Show your support.

Matt & Lisa McNally

You guys are great! My heart is deeply touched!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

WE ARE IN!!!!!

One of our numerous contacts finally got a hit! We have an appointment at MD Anderson on Monday, Oct. 13th at 3. We have a new patient appt at 2, then we actually get to see the doctor at 3. Like I have said before, I can't thank everyone enough for all the help you have given us. My prayers were answered, get into MD Anderson quickly! I'd say that was quick enough!
Jim was so excited he described himself as "giddy" that we have an appointment. Me - very mixed emotions. I feel scared, relieved, and nervous. Now everything will start moving at a very fast pace and all the things you were told will really start to happen. Anyway, enough of the sad stuff!
My doctor is Richard Theriault. Here is a link to his bio...

I am working on getting a care calendar set up. My sister, Anne, will be the coordinator for that. The website is www.carecalendar.org the ID# is 8097 and the special code is 3972. If you have any questions call me or Anne (hm 281-342-0070, wk 281-342-1610, her cell number is listed on the calendar site) This is a work in progress and is not fully operational right now.

Again - THANK YOU ALL!!!!!!

quick update

I can't even begin to express my sincere thanks for everyone who has shared their contact information from MD Anderson. We have decided to fully explore that route and try our hardest to get an appointment VERY SOON! So I am on the phone or email, what feels like all day, trying to get in. Big thanks to Amy & Troy, we are going to borrow their fax,scanner,printer,copier combo! That will help expedite all the paper work that has to be sent. Pray we get an appointment really soon!

Monday, October 6, 2008

decisions, decisions, decisions

THANKS to everyone for your thoughts and prayers! It means so much to me!

Jim and I are trying to decide if we should try to find a doctor at MD Anderson at least for a second opinion. Yes, they are the best in the country! I'd love to be taken care of by the best. The downside is that it usually takes 6-8 weeks to get an appointment, and the process will begin all over. Also, the traveling. With 3 kids, you really can't be gone ALL day for a simple appointment. Plus, I don't know if I want to be that far away. The commute would be tough on Jim and the rest of my family.
So here we are, what do we do? How much time should we take deciding? OOOHHH the questions with no real answers! You don't want to make the wrong one!

Saturday, October 4, 2008

What the doctor said

The type of cancer I have is invasive ductal carcinoma grade 1-2, ductal carcinoma in SITU grade 2, estrogen receptor positive, and progesterone receptor positive. Because it is invasive, it has broke the barrier of the milk ducts and invaded the surrounding breast tissue. We are waiting for one more result from the biopsy. The last result will be if it is HER-2NEU equivocal positive. If that is positive then we most likely have an aggressive cancer.
What do I do now???
LOADS of tests...blood work, including testing for the breast cancer gene; PET/CT scan; bone scan; and MRI. Some of these will help determine if it has spread elsewhere.
We are at a stage II, this could change with the results of the tests.
What is the possible treatment???
surgery and chemotherapy and hormonal therapy, not sure of the order yet.
Will write more soon!
Keep me in your prayers!

How did this happen?

About a month ago I found a lump in my breast through self-examination. I was terrible about doing these. Last one done was by my OB/GYN before Jake was born.
I made an appointment with my OB. He said it was somewhat concerning and should be checked out. He gave me my orders for a mammogram and possible ultrasound. It took about 2-3 weeks before I could get those done.
My OB called me on Thursday, Sept.25. He said there were some abnormalities with my tests. He wanted me to see a breast specialist. His nurse called me the next day with an appointment made with Kelly Dempsey for Monday, Sept. 29 at 12:30. She was very concerned with what she saw. She asked for us to stay and that she would do a biopsy between her next patients. She said she would call us with the results Monday, Friday at the earliest. We got the call on Thursday afternoon. She said it was cancer and that we needed to come see her the next day.