Sunday, November 15, 2009

Post Sugery

Tomorrow will be one week from my procedure. I wish I could say I was feeling great. This time around there is a lot more pain!! The drain sites are very tender and my chest wall is very sensitive. I have an appointment on Tuesday and hope to get at least one drain out.
I'm hoping I do not have an infection. The left side drain is rather painful, but I'm not running a high fever and there is no red streaking or heat. I hope to know more on Tuesday.
Thanks for all the thoughts and prayers. The meals have been fabulous!

God is good!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Surgery Schedule

Next Monday is the day! I hope this is the last surgery ever!!!

Dr Kronowitz will remove the spacer and put in implants on both sides to hopefully even out things. I will stay in the hospital one night. I will have a drain on each side (YUCK!!!) for a maximum of 3 weeks. Back to sponge baths (another YUCK!!!). My poor husband will have to go back to being my nurse maid and empty the drains twice a day.

I had a mammogram last week on the right side and it was clean - YEA!!!!!!!!

We have had a great fall and look forward to Thanksgiving & my birthday and of course Christmas! Already getting most of the shopping done!

Thank you so much for your continued support and prayers!
